Color Measurement Systems

color setup two

StellarNet Modular Color Analysis System- BLACK-Comet-CXR color spectrophotometer, SL1 Halogen Krypton Light Source, R600-8-VIS Reflectance Probe, RPH1 Reflectance Probe Holder, and RS50 Reflection Standard

Spectrometers for Color Measurement
These instruments measure the color of solid and liquid samples using either a fiber optic reflectance probe, sample fixture, flow cell, dip probe, or cuvette holder. They’re great for use in the lab, field, or on-line/at-line production environments. Finally, the solution you’ve been looking for! Color quality control is now affordable with a StellarNet Color Measurement system.

Modular Systems
black-caveStellarNet Modular Color Measurement Systems include a miniature spectrometer, light source, and accessory depending on your sample type. The StellarNet BLACK-Comet-CXR spectrometer has consistent resolution throughout 280-900nm and is a perfect low cost instrument for any color measurement application. As one of StellarNet’s concave grating models it has low stray light levels because there are no mirrors in its optical bench. It is engineered with no moving parts which results in shock proof durability, permanent alignment, and a ruggedness unmatched by any spectrometer in its field.

Integrated CASE StellarCase-ColorSystems
The StellarCASE-Color integrated portable case system includes interior mounting of spectrometer instrumentation pre-configured for “Open & Measure” application with no additional setup required. The system includes a top mounted tablet with pre-installed Real-time spectrometer operating software for CIELAB colorimetry & dE color difference measurement. Internal main power control system with ON, OFF, & Charge buttons. The pre-configured spectrometer equipment is covered with an acrylic sampling surface and the sampling fixture head for easy measurement & clean-up. The system battery has 8 hour lifetime for field and portable application. StellarCASE-NIR also available for NIR applications.


Handheld Colorimeters
Handheld Colorimeter for full spectrum analysis & research-grade colorimetry of solids, liquids, and powders from 350-1100nm with <1nm spectral resolution. System measures real-time color parameters such as CIE L*a*b* & RGB with visual graph & color swatch. In addition, the system calculates Chroma, Hue, Luminosity, SRM, Lovibond, and EBC. Easily save a dE color reference and calculate color differences. StellarRAD+Color incorporates research-grade BLUE-Wave spectrometer optics. It has an 8″, high performance Android touchscreen interface that’s both ergonomic and user-friendly. System comes with pre-installed ColorWiz software, includes integrated halogen light, reflectance adapter, & RS50 white reflectance standard. System charging supply and USB key also included.

StellarNet Color Measurement Systems reliably measure CIELAB & Delta E* values. Applications include color measurements of food, beverages, industrial liquids, textiles, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and raw materials. 

Current Customer Publications- click on the links to the right to see some current StellarNet customer applications involving color measurement. See more customer apps…


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